Almost like cycling

There’s an old saying: “A good cyclist is made in winter.” – And what can you say to that? As with the vast majority of nonsense, there is a lot of truth to it. No racer has ever won Paris-Roubaix with a preparation phase peppered with “intensive couching” and “interval chip and chocolate excesses”. Instead, it is important to work on the many, many things during the winter that make the small but significant difference from the start of the season. In this respect, we have a lot in common with all the racers out there. We also use the dark time of year to work on ourselves. An important item on our to-do list for this winter was: “Build a new website” – and hey, here it is. We can hardly believe it ourselves, but for once it’s finished a little earlier than originally planned. 

Today it's called "UX", I've always called it "hospitality" and I want our visitors to feel at home on our website even before the trade fair.

— Stefan Maly

Task & Objectives

Over the last two years, we have repeatedly reached points on our website where we were unable to present things as we would have liked. Our aim in creating our new website was to improve this point and at the same time continue to make all relevant information about CYCLINGWOLRD EUROPE clearly and quickly accessible.

We cannot avoid requesting certain information from our exhibitors from time to time. Our protected exhibitor area allows us to facilitate a direct exchange and at the same time keep the time required as low as possible.

— Torsten Abels

The implementation

Damn. We’d better not talk about that! – But this is another point where a comparison with cycling doesn’t seem out of place. Perseverance was required here, because that was definitely part of it in the last few weeks, for example when it came to checking the 15th content management tool to see whether it offers enough design options and still remains reasonably easy to use even for anti-nerds. Without a doubt, it also takes a certain amount of self-control not to throw your computer against the wall when you’ve just spent three hours working on something only to realize that it either doesn’t work after all or could have been implemented in five minutes with more specialist knowledge. Both bring you closer to madness, but in the end you have actually become a little bit wiser. So, in short, we can say for good reason that we are very happy that this item on the to-do list is done for now.

You win in winter, not in summer.

— Bernard Hinault

What was and is important to us

Digitalization is good and important. Ultimately, however, CYCLINGWOLRD EUROPE is about a very real experience for very real people. It is always important to us that this basic idea is never lost. We want to get people excited about bikes & e-bikes. Yes, in fact, in the vast majority of cases, touching is expressly encouraged here. And in the few cases where this is not the case, we or our exhibitors will certainly place it clearly visible on the exhibits. The redesign of our website can and should therefore be understood as an invitation to be there from March 15 – 17, 2024. As a bicycle and/or e-bike friend, exhibitor, trade visitor or press representative.